Wednesday, June 1

Will Saudi women drivers spark a revolution?

Many Saudi Arabian women are fighting right now to win the government voice to let them drive. Few Saudi women already took action and drove around city, but most of them got caught by police and sent back home with a warrant. In Saudi Arabia there is not law saying that women can not drive, But the culture of the country took over the law. In the basic law of Saudi Arabia, It is legal to women to drive, But they can't get a driving license because of the culture.
There are many opinions, why the women in Saudi Arabia shouldn't drive. many people say that Saudi women do not need to drive. because in Saudi Arabia more than 75% of the people have personal drivers, so women can be driven to work, shop or to visit relatives. In the Saudi Arabian Culture, Men are very jealous and protective for their women. Many people think when women drive, It might lead young guys to follow, flirt and cause trouble. I believe women in Saudi Arabia should drive, But after lot of work. first of all, I think women should drive in the city only, so they prevent troubles on rural areas. Such As, Car problems, bandits. Then, there should be female police officers on the main spots of each big city so they can easily and quickly get to the troubled female driver. I believe that women driving might be troublesome for some people at first because of the culture, but when they get used to it, It will be alright. Most Saudi Arabians went to nearby countries where is it allowed to women to drive, they are getting more & more open with women driving. I believe that women should start driving now with new the rules.


  1. First,I want to say that I respect Saudi culture and the men's feelings. The questions that come up are: Were Saudi's women agree with the situation? What is behind the culture that forbid women to drive? Why is assumed that they will cause trouble while some of them drive out of Saudi Arabia without causing trouble?
    Hope that they will drive soon :)

  2. I totally agree with what you said Abdallah . I couldn't rephrase it better
    and clearer than you have done. You explained the problem fairly with out any
    gender discrimination with taking in consideration both parties feelings and
    positions. Our nation is lucky to have such mature thinking youth on board

  3. @Camilo- for your first question, most women are okay with that, but some don't like to have personal drivers to drive them or don't have the money to get one. For your second question, since the forming of Saudi Arabia, men were always discrete about their women and don't like them to go to mix with other men. For your last question, I believe because the society is still not familiar with be surrounded by women, So the guys might terrorize or flirt the new women drivers for fun.

    @Kayan- Thanks a lot for your response. I believe that equality is the most important thing to have and work for in our world.

  4. Since there's not law that says that woman can't drive, than woman have the right to drive if they want. How it's just by driving can cause lead young guys to follow, flirt and cause trouble? Isn't there other thing could cause that kind of trouble too? Although there are many people have their own personal driver, maybe the woman themselves want to experience driving on their own, just to see what driving is like. I think they should let woman drive if they want, because if man can than woman can too, how do they know that whatever they think is going to happen to a woman who's drives doesn't happen to the man?
